Supporting the Aussie Ark Wildlife Sanctuary


Here at Cocoba, we believe in making chocolate that not only tastes good, but does good too.

As a family-run company with Australian heritage, we’re excited to share that we have teamed up with Aussie Ark – a committed conservation organisation who are striving to save critically endangered wildlife in Australia and create a long-term future for these threatened species.

To help support the work of this incredible organisation and their essential projects, we have introduced our first ever charity chocolate gift, ‘Wawah’ the Koala.

Wawah the Koala Milk Chocolate Character

Regular price€19,95

To help support the work of Aussie Ark and their essential wildlife conservation projects, we are excited to introduce our first ever charity chocolate gift, ‘Wawah’ the Koala. 

This adorable character is expertly made from 250g of our exceptional quality Belgian milk chocolate, encased in beautiful presentation box to create a loveable gift that makes a difference.

Every Wawah sold will help us to donate a percentage of sales to Aussie Ark, working to conserve the endangered wild koala and its habitat in Australia.

For every Wawah sold, we will make a donation to Aussie Ark, which will directly contribute to their conservation efforts and help to change the fate of the species we are at risk of losing to extinction.

Native wildlife conservation is a responsibility of us all and every effort counts, so let’s work together to support #AussieArk and change the narrative for these precious animals. Make a difference with ‘Wawah’ the Koala and share this journey with us!


Aussie Ark has a vision of creating a long-term future for threatened Australian wildlife. Find out more about the meaningful projects they have committed to that will make a real difference to endangered species.


Our founder and Chief Chocoholic, Darren, is originally from Australia. Although he moved to the UK some years ago, his two daughters love returning to Oz to visit family and to see the animals which are unique to Australia.

Darren’s youngest has a particular connection to Koalas as she’s had her very own Koala bear teddy since birth, which she adores and still takes with her everywhere. When she was learning to speak, ‘Koala’ was a bit tricky to say, so she called the teddy ‘Wawah’ instead!

The name stuck, and now we’ve put a little piece of this special story into our new Wawah the Koala Character on our journey to help support Aussie Ark!